Variseq is an audio sample step sequencer with variable
pitch shifting and beat stretching. You can select how many pitch
steps per octave, how many beats in the sequence, and adjust each
beat to have a different length.
To build the program you need:
- c++ compiler (I have only built it with g++ )
- portaudio and/or JACK
- libsndfile
- libsamplerate
- fltk
To use it you need:
- a sound card
- some sound files (any format compiled into your libsndfile, I believe)
- A computer and some operating system, upon which
the above libraries can be built and installed.
So far I have tried it on a desktop PC with a cheap knockoff mobo
(1gigaPro) running Slackware [8-11] and ALSA, an IBM thinkpad 310
craptop with RedHat 9 once I found the correct drivers for its sound
card (not ALSA), and a dell desktop 2.8Ghz with Windows XP and Cygwin
(this has some problems with window sizing)
The program has been written by Robert Atwood. It is a free program available under the terms of the GPL version 2 or later.